Short summary - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Summary of the work - Sykalo Eugen 2023

Short summary - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe is a literary masterpiece written by Daniel Defoe, which was first published in 1719. This novel is an autobiographical work of Robinson Crusoe who got shipwrecked and stranded on a deserted island for 28 years.

The story begins with Robinson Crusoe's childhood in York, England. He was the youngest son in his family and was expected to become a lawyer. However, Robinson was more interested in traveling and exploring the world. Against his family's wishes, he sets sail on a ship to London, where he finds work and eventually becomes a successful merchant.

While on a trading voyage to Africa, Robinson Crusoe's ship was hit by a storm, and he was the only survivor. He managed to swim to a nearby island where he was stranded for the next 28 years. The novel chronicles his struggles to survive on the island, and he learned to hunt, farm, and build shelter to keep himself alive. Robinson Crusoe's survival was not just about his physical endurance but also about his mental strength and emotional resilience.

During his time on the island, Robinson Crusoe met a native, whom he named Friday, and taught him English. Friday became Robinson's faithful companion and helped him in his daily chores. Robinson Crusoe's ultimate goal was to escape the island, and after several failed attempts, he finally succeeded when he built a boat and set sail. He was rescued by a Portuguese ship and eventually returned to England, where he found that his family had given him up for dead.

The novel is not just a story of survival but also a tale of isolation and self-discovery. Robinson Crusoe had to confront his own limitations and learn to rely on himself. He also grappled with his own morality and the meaning of life. The novel has been praised for its realistic portrayal of life on a deserted island and its exploration of themes such as imperialism, slavery, and the nature of humanity.

Robinson Crusoe has become a classic of English literature and has inspired countless adaptations, including movies and television shows. The novel's enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless themes and its ability to capture the imagination of readers for centuries. The book is not just an adventure story but also a philosophical work that explores the human condition and the struggle for survival.

The narrative of the novel is divided into three parts. In the first part, Robinson Crusoe leaves his family against their wishes and sets out on a journey to explore the world. He travels to Guinea, where he gets enslaved by the Moorish pirates. But he manages to escape and reaches Brazil, where he starts his trade business.

In the second part, Robinson Crusoe is on a trading voyage to Africa, where his ship gets hit by a storm, and he is the only survivor. He is washed ashore on a remote island, where he is stranded for the next 28 years. The second part of the book details his struggles to survive on the island, his daily routine, his encounters with hostile animals, and his emotional and mental state.

In the third part, Robinson Crusoe finally escapes the island and returns to England. He discovers that his family had given him up for dead and that they have moved on with their lives. Robinson Crusoe uses his newfound wealth to establish a successful plantation and live the rest of his life in comfort. But he is never able to forget his time on the island and his struggle for survival.

In conclusion, Robinson Crusoe is not just a novel about survival but also a work that explores the human condition and the struggle for meaning in life. Robinson Crusoe's journey is a metaphor for the human experience, and his story is a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit. The novel is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of life and the human psyche.