Short summary - Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Summary of the work - Sykalo Eugen 2023

Short summary - Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Orlando by Virginia Woolf is a novel that tells the story of a young nobleman named Orlando who lives in the Elizabethan era. The novel begins with Orlando as a young man who is obsessed with writing poetry and living a life of luxury. He falls in love with a Russian princess named Sasha, but their relationship ends when she leaves him for a diplomat.

Orlando then embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, first as a diplomat in Constantinople, then as a lover of a gypsy woman named Rosina Pepita. After returning to England, Orlando becomes infatuated with a young noblewoman named Lady Margaret, but their relationship ends when she marries someone else.

The novel takes an unexpected turn when Orlando wakes up one morning to find that he has become a woman. As a woman, she experiences life in a completely different way, facing new challenges, and discovering new opportunities. She falls in love with a sailor named Marmaduke Bonthrop Shelmerdine and they have a passionate affair, but their relationship ends when he sails off to sea.

Orlando then spends several years living alone in a cottage, writing poetry and reflecting on her life. She eventually returns to London and becomes a successful writer, but struggles with her identity as both a man and a woman. The novel ends with Orlando reflecting on the cyclical nature of history and the passing of time.

One of the most important themes of the novel is the idea of gender and identity. Orlando's transformation from a man to a woman highlights the fluidity of gender and raises questions about the nature of identity. The novel also explores the role of art and creativity in shaping our lives and experiences.

Overall, Orlando is a complex and multifaceted novel that defies easy categorization. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Virginia Woolf's work, as well as those interested in the themes of gender and identity, art and creativity, and the nature of human experience.