Life of Benvenuto, son of maestro Giovanni Cellini, Florentine, written by him in Florence - Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571)

Literature of antiquity and the Middle Ages - Summary - 2019

Life of Benvenuto, son of maestro Giovanni Cellini, Florentine, written by him in Florence
Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571)

Benvenuto Cellini's memoirs are written from the first person. In the opinion of the famous jeweler and wizard, every person who has made something valiant must declare himself to the world, but to start this good work should only be after forty years. Benvenuto took the pen in fifty-nine years of life, and firmly decided to tell only about what is relevant to him. (It is important for the reader to keep in mind that Benvenuto has a rare ability to overwrite both the names of its own and the geographical names.)

The first book is devoted to the period from 1500 to 1539. Benvenuto reports that he was born in a simple but noble family. In ancient times, under Julius Caesar's rule, the brave military commander named Fiorino from Cellino served. When the city was laid on the river Arno, Caesar decided to call him Florence, wishing to honor the comrade who was distinguished among all the others. The Cellini family had many possessions, and in Ravenna there was even a castle. The ancestors of Benvenuto themselves lived in Val d'Ambar, like grandees. One day they had to send a boy to Christophano to Florence, because he had started a riot with his neighbors. His son Andrea became very knowledgeable in the field of architecture and taught this craft of children. Giovanni, the father of Benvenuto, was particularly successful in it. Giovanni could choose a girl with a rich dowry, but married for love - Madonna Elizabeth Granacci. Eighteen years they did not have children, and then the girl was born. The good Giovanni's son was no longer expecting, and when Madonna Elizabeth solved the burden of a male baby, the happy father called him "Desirable" (Benvenuto). Signs predicted that the boy was waiting for a great future. He was only three years old when he caught a huge scorpion and survived miraculously. At the age of five, he saw in a flame a spot of a creature similar to a lizard, and his father explained that it was a salamander, which, in his memory, was still not used to anyone. By the age of fifteen, he accomplished so many amazing acts that it was better to keep silent about the lack of space. that the boy is waiting for a great future. He was only three years old when he caught a huge scorpion and survived miraculously. At the age of five, he saw in a flame a spot of a creature similar to a lizard, and his father explained that it was a salamander, which, in his memory, was still not used to anyone. By the age of fifteen, he accomplished so many amazing acts that it was better to keep silent about the lack of space. that the boy is waiting for a great future. He was only three years old when he caught a huge scorpion and survived miraculously. At the age of five, he saw in a flame a spot of a creature similar to a lizard, and his father explained that it was a salamander, which, in his memory, was still not used to anyone. By the age of fifteen, he accomplished so many amazing acts that it was better to keep silent about the lack of space.

Giovanni Cellini was famous for many arts, but most of all he loved to play the flute and tried to encourage this elder son. Benvenuto hated damned music and took over the instrument, only to not disturb a good father. Entering the goldsmith's training for master Antonio di Sandro, he outperformed all the other boys in the shop and began to make good earnings by his own work. It happened that the sisters had offended him, secretly giving a new camisole and a cloak to his younger brother - and Benvenuto with frustration left Florence in Pisa, but there he continued to work diligently. Then he moved to Rome to study ancient times and made some very beautiful things, trying to follow in all respects the canons of divine Michelangelo Buonarroti, from whom he never retreated. Returning to his father's urgent request to Florence, he struck with all his art, but there were envious people who began to arrange it in every possible way. Benvenuto could not resist: he struck one of them with his fist in a temple, and since he did not hesitate and climbed into a fight, he flipped away from him with a dagger, without causing much harm. The relatives of this Gerardo immediately ran to complain to the Council of Eight - Benvenuto was forcibly sentenced to exile, and had to go again to Rome. One noble lady ordered him a chair for diamond lily. And his comrade Lukanjolo was a capable jeweler, but a sort of low and dumb-cut at this time a vase and boasted that he would receive a lot of gold coins. However, Benvenuto was ahead of the rustic village: he paid more for nothing more than a big thing for a fake, and when he himself began to make a vase for one bishop, he surpassed Lukanjolo in this art too. Pala Clement, barely seeing the vase, flashed to Benvenuto with great love. Even more great fame was brought to him by the silver pots, which he forged for the famous surgeon Yakomo da Carpi: showing them, he told fables, as if they were works of ancient masters. This little business brought Benvenuto a great reputation, although he did not invent much money in money.

After a terrible pestilent ulceration, the survivors began to love Friend of a friend - so was formed in Rome, a community of sculptors, painters, jewelers. And the great Michelangelo from Siena, in every way, praised Benvenuto for his talent - he especially liked the medal, where he depicted Hercules, tearing the mouth of a lion. But then the war began, and the commonwealth broke up. The Spaniards, under the leadership of the Bourbon, approached Rome. Pal Clement fled into the Castle of St. Angel in fear, and Benvenuto followed him. During the siege, he was attached to the guns and accomplished many feats: with one accurate shot, he killed Bourbon, and the second wounded the Prince of Orange. It happened that at the expense of a barrel of stones fell down and the cardinal Farnese almost screwed up, Benvenuto could hardly prove his innocence, although it would have been much better if he then got rid of this cardinal. Pal Klimt so trusted his jeweler that he ordered the golden tiaras to melt in order to save them from the greed of the Spaniards. When Benvenuto finally arrived in Florence, there was also a plague there, and his father ordered him to escape to Mantua. On his return, he learned that all his relatives had died - only his younger brother and one of the sisters remained. Brother, who became a great warrior, served with the Florentine Duke of Lesandro. In a casual shock he wound a bullet from an arquebus, and he died on Benvenuto's hands, which tracked the killer and revenged properly. who became a great warrior, served with the Florentine Duke of Lesandro. In a casual shock he wound a bullet from an arquebus, and he died on Benvenuto's hands, which tracked the killer and revenged properly. who became a great warrior, served with the Florentine Duke of Lesandro. In a casual shock he wound a bullet from an arquebus, and he died on Benvenuto's hands, which tracked the killer and revenged properly.

In the meantime, the pope moved to Florence by war, and his friends persuaded Benvenuto to leave the city in order not to quarrel with his holiness. At first, everything went fine, and Benvenuto was given the post was a winner, who brought two hundred scood a year. But when he asked for a post in seven hundred shekels, envious activists intervened, especially the zealous Milaman Pompeo, who attempted to interrupt the cup ordered by Penny's Benvenuto. The enemies slipped the daddy of a poor jeweler, Tobbie, and was instructed to prepare a present for the French king. One day Benvenuto accidentally choked his boyfriend, and Pompeo immediately ran to the pope with news that Tombi was killed. An angry bug ordered to grab and hang Benvenuto, so it was necessary to hide in Naples, until everything was explained. Clement repented of his injustice, but he still fell asleep and soon died, and the daddy was chosen by Cardinal Farnese. Benvenuto quite by accident met Pompeo, who did not want to kill at all, but it turned out. The admirers tried to inflict on him a new dad, but he said that such artists, the only one of their kind, are not subject to the laws of law. However, Benvenuto thought it best to leave Florence for the time being, where the duke of Messandro did not want to let him go, threatening even death, but he himself fell victim to the murderer, and the new duke was Cosimo, the son of the great Giovanni de Medici. Returning to Rome, Benvenuto found that the envious had achieved their own - the dad, though he granted him the pardon for the murder of Pompeo, turned his heart away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king. which did not want to kill at all, but it turned out. The admirers tried to inflict on him a new dad, but he said that such artists, the only one of their kind, are not subject to the laws of law. However, Benvenuto thought it best to leave Florence for the time being, where the duke of Messandro did not want to let him go, threatening even death, but he himself fell victim to the murderer, and the new duke was Cosimo, the son of the great Giovanni de Medici. Returning to Rome, Benvenuto found that the envious had achieved their own - the dad, though he granted him the pardon for the murder of Pompeo, turned his heart away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king. which did not want to kill at all, but it turned out. The admirers tried to inflict on him a new dad, but he said that such artists, the only one of their kind, are not subject to the laws of law. However, Benvenuto thought it best to leave Florence for the time being, where the duke of Messandro did not want to let him go, threatening even death, but he himself fell victim to the murderer, and the new duke was Cosimo, the son of the great Giovanni de Medici. Returning to Rome, Benvenuto found that the envious had achieved their own - the dad, though he granted him the pardon for the murder of Pompeo, turned his heart away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king. court laws are not subject to. However, Benvenuto thought it best to leave Florence for the time being, where the duke of Messandro did not want to let him go, threatening even death, but he himself fell victim to the murderer, and the new duke was Cosimo, the son of the great Giovanni de Medici. Returning to Rome, Benvenuto found that the envious had achieved their own - the dad, though he granted him the pardon for the murder of Pompeo, turned his heart away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king. court laws are not subject to. However, Benvenuto thought it best to leave Florence for the time being, where the duke of Messandro did not want to let him go, threatening even death, but he himself fell victim to the murderer, and the new duke was Cosimo, the son of the great Giovanni de Medici. Returning to Rome, Benvenuto found that the envious had achieved their own - the dad, though he granted him the pardon for the murder of Pompeo, turned his heart away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king. though he granted him a pardon for the murder of Pompeo, his heart turned away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king. though he granted him a pardon for the murder of Pompeo, his heart turned away from him. Meanwhile, Benvenuto was already so glorious that he was summoned to serve by the French king.

Together with the faithful disciples, Benvenuto went to Paris, where he received an audience from the monarch. However, the case ended: the malice of the enemies and the military actions made the stay in France impossible. Benvenuto returned to Rome and received many orders. He had to banish one worker from Perugia for a lull, and he intended to take revenge: whispered to his dad that Benvenuto had stolen precious stones during the siege of the Holy Angel's Castle and now has a condition of eighty thousand ducats. The greed of Palo da Farnese and his son, Pierre Luigi, did not know the boundaries: they ordered the Benvenuto to be stamped into the dungeon, and when the accusation broke up, they deliberate to obliterate it. King Francis, having learned about this injustice, began to trouble through the cardinal of Ferrara, so that Benvenuto would be released to his service. Castellan Castle a noble and kind person, referred to the prisoner with the greatest participation: he gave the opportunity to walk freely in the castle and engage in his favorite art. There was one monk in the casemate. Taking advantage of Benvenuto's omission, he stole his wax to make keys and run away. Benvenuto swore to all the saints that he should not be angry with the monk, but Castellan was so angry that he almost lost his mind. Benvenuto began to prepare for escape and, having arranged everything in the best way, descended down on a rope woven from a sheet. Unfortunately, the wall around the castle was too high, and he broke off, broke his leg. The widow of Duke, Messandro, remembering his great writings, agreed to give him a shelter, but the treacherous enemies did not retreat and again transmitted Benvenuto to the sack, despite the promise of the pope to spare him. Castellan, completely screwed up subjected him to such an unheard-of torment that he had already said goodbye to life, but then Cardinal Ferrarsky had obtained from the Pope's consent to release the innocent convict. In prison, Benvenuto wrote a poem about his sufferings - this "capitol" and the first book of memoirs ends.

In the second book Benvenuto tells of his stay at the courtyard of Francis I and the Florentine Duke of Cosimo. After a little rest after the imprisonment, Benvenuto went to the Cardinal Ferrara, taking with him his beloved disciples - Ascanio, the Pagolo Roman and the Pagolo Florentine. Along the way, one postal caretaker decided to start a quarrel, and Benvenuto only gave a drink for him, but the bullet bounced off with a rebuke killed the bullet in place, and his sons, trying to take revenge, slightly wounded the Pagolo-Romans. Upon learning of this, Cardinal Ferrar thanked the heavens, for he promised the French king to bring Benvenuto. They got to Paris without adventures.

The King took Benvenuto extremely graciously, and this aroused envy at the Cardinal, who began to screw his head off the scapegoat. He said Benvenuto, as if the king wanted to put him salary in three hundred scudo, although it was not necessary to leave Rome for such money. Deceived in his expectations, Benvenuto farehed his disciples, and those cried and begged him not to leave them, but he resolutely decided to return to his homeland. However, the follower was sent after him, and the cardinal announced that he would pay seven hundred scoots a year - as much as the painter Leonardo da Vinci received. Having looked with the king, Benvenuto spoke to each of the students a hundred times, and also asked to give him the Little Little Nell for the workshop. The king willingly agreed, because people who dwelt in the castle ate their bread in vain. Benvenuto had to get rid of these idlers, but the workshop turned out to be a success, and one could immediately take up the royal order - the statue of silver Jupiter.

Soon the king and his yard came to watch the work, and everyone watched the wonderful art of Benvenuto. And Benvenuto also thought to make for the king the salt of amazing beauty and a magnificent carved door, the beauty of which these Frenchmen did not see. Unfortunately, it did not happen to him to find the position of Mrs. de Tamp, who had a great influence on the monarch, and this concealed anger on him. But the people whom he had driven out of the castle, instituted a lawsuit against him, and so he was annoyed, that he wandered them with a dagger and taught the mind-mind, but did not kill anyone. To top it all, Palo Michcieri, a Florentine student, made a fornication with the designer Katerina, had to beat the pussy to the bruises, although she was still needed to work. Moderator Pago Benvenuto made him marry this French whore, and then every day he called her to himself, to draw and mold, but at the same time betrayed her with a carnal mindset in retaliation to her husband's husband. Meanwhile, Cardinal Ferrar spoke to the King not to pay Benvenuto; the good king did not resist the temptation, because the emperor moved with the army to Paris and the treasury was empty. Mrs. de Tamp also continued to build a scapegoat, and Benvenuto with a pain in her heart decided to temporarily leave for Italy, leaving a workshop for Ascanio and the Palazzo Roman. They whispered to the king that he had taken with him three precious vases, which was impossible to do because the law precluded it, so Benvenuto, on the first demand, gave these vases to the treacherous Ascanio. because the emperor moved with the army to Paris and the treasury was empty. Mrs. de Tamp also continued to build a scapegoat, and Benvenuto with a pain in her heart decided to temporarily leave for Italy, leaving a workshop for Ascanio and the Palazzo Roman. They whispered to the king that he had taken with him three precious vases, which was impossible to do because the law precluded it, so Benvenuto, on the first demand, gave these vases to the treacherous Ascanio. because the emperor moved with the army to Paris and the treasury was empty. Mrs. de Tamp also continued to build a scapegoat, and Benvenuto with a pain in her heart decided to temporarily leave for Italy, leaving a workshop for Ascanio and the Palazzo Roman. They whispered to the king that he had taken with him three precious vases, which was impossible to do because the law precluded it, so Benvenuto, on the first demand, gave these vases to the treacherous Ascanio.

In 1545 Benvenuto came to Florence - the only one to help his sister and her six daughters. The duke began to tear his caresses, begging him to stay and promising unheard of graces. Benvenuto agreed and bitterly sorry about that. For the workshop he identified a miserable house that had to be patched on the move. Bandinnillo's court sculptor praised his dignity in every possible way, although his bad dealings could only cause a grin, but Benvenuto surpassed himself, casting a Perseus statue from the bronze. It was a creation so beautiful that people did not tire to look at him, and Benvenuto asked the Duke for work ten thousand scudo, and he gave only three with a great creak. Many times Benvenuto recalled the generous and generous king with whom he had partly fainted, but he could not correct anything already. for insidious disciples did everything so that he could not return. The duchess, who initially defended Benvenuto in front of her husband, was terribly angry when the Duke, on his advice, refused to give money to the pearls that had come to her, - Benvenuto suffered exclusively for his honesty, for he could not conceal from the duke that stones would not buy these. As a result, the new big order was received by the mediocre Bandinello, who was given a marble for the statue of Neptune. On all sides, Benvenuto's troubles fell down: a man nicknamed Zbiuetta cheated him in a contract for the sale of the mansion, and his wife Zbietta poured it into a gravy sulaam, so he hardly remained alive, although he could not invent the villains. The French Queen, who visited her native Florence, wanted to invite him to Paris to make a tombstone for her deceased husband, but the duke prevented it. A pestilence has begun, from which the prince died - the best of all Medici. Only when the tears were dry, Benvenuto went to Pisa. (This phrase breaks down the second book of memoirs.)