Malati and Malhava - Bhavabhuti (the first half of the VIII century)

Literature of antiquity and the Middle Ages - Summary - 2019

Malati and Malhava
Bhavabhuti (the first half of the VIII century)

Bhuriwasa, the minister of the king of the city of Padmawati, and Devarata, the minister of the country of Vidbar, as soon as Bhuriwas was born the daughter of Malati, and Devarat, son of Madhava, agreed to bind them. But King Padmavati firmly decided to marry Malaty for his pet - court Nandan. To prevent this marriage is taken by a longtime girlfriend Bhurivasu and Devarata, the wise Buddhist nun of Kamandaki. She invites Madhava to Padmavati and during the spring festival, arranges a meeting between Malati and Madhava, during which they fall in love with each other and exchange their portraits and oaths of eternal fidelity. In addition, Kamandaki, in order to carry out his plans, attracts Nandana Madiainty, the beloved sister. The Madagascar is attacked by a tiger squeezed out of the cell, but it is saved by Madhava's friend Makaranda and her heart is gaining its courage.

Not taking into account the requests of Bhuriwas, Malati and Madayantiq, the king declares the engagement of Malati and Nandana. In despair, Madhava goes to the cemetery, ready to secure the support of the cemetery demons, only to upset the upcoming marriage. But just when he appears in the cemetery, yoginl Kapalakundada flies along with the Malaty kidnapped by him, so that the mentor of the yogis of the magician Aghoraghant brought the beautiful girl of the city to the sacrifice of the bloody goddess Chamdunde, or Durga, and found an irresistible magical power. Madhava throws himself at the defense of Malaty, kills Aghoraghant, and Kapalakundala swears against him and his beloved in powerless malice.

Meanwhile, preparations for the wedding of Malati and Nandana are taking place. During the wedding procession, Malati enters the temple to pray to the gods, and here Kamandaki dresses her, wears her wedding dress on Makaranda, which during the further ceremony substitutes for the bride. Kamandaki himself hides Madhava and Malati in his abode. When Nandana, left alone with imaginary Malaty, tries to capture her, he suddenly encounters a decisive rebuff and, disheartened and humiliated, refuses to be disobedient to the bride. Successfully fulfilling his mission, Makaranda, along with the Madayatica who took part in deception, fled to the Kamandaki mansion and joined Malaty and Madhav.

However, tests for lovers are not over yet. Madhava and Makarande have to fight with the city guards who are persecuting fugitives. And during the fight Kapalakundada flies and kidnaps Malati, intending to betray her brutal death in revenge for the death of Aghoraghantha. Madhava, after learning of the abduction of Malat, desperately ready to rush to the river. They intend to finish the bills with life and all his friends and even Camandaki, whose plan suddenly got upset. But here comes a student and girlfriend Kamandaki Saudamini, who owns great mysteries of yoga. With her art, she frees Malati from captivity and death and returns her to Madhava. At the same time, she publishes a message from the king, in which, with the consent of Nandana, he allows Malati and Madhava to marry, Madiainty and Makarande. The joyful rejoicing is replaced by recent fears and despair among the participants in the events.