Harivansha - Unknown

Literature of antiquity and the Middle Ages - Summary - 2019


"The Rod Hari" is an ancient Indian epic poem in E books, which is considered an appendix to the Mahabharata. The first and third books of the poem outline the most important Hindu myths about the creation, the origin of the gods and demons, the legendary kings of the Solar and Lun dynasties, earthly incarnations for the sake of saving the world (avatars) of God Vishnu, or Hari (the letters "Brown", possibly "the Deliverer"), in the forms of the boar, man-lion and dwarf, etc., and the second book tells about the most faithful embodiment of the Vishnu-Hari as Krsna

In the city of Mathura reigns a cruel demon of Asura Kansa. He was foretold death from the hand of the eighth son of his cousin Devaki, the wife of the king of the jadevas Vasudeva, and therefore he concludes Devaki and Vasudeva in the dungeon, and kills the first of their six sons, as soon as they were born. The seventh son, Balarama, was saved by the goddess of sleep Nidra, who, before his appearance on the light, transferred the conceived fruit to the womb of Vasudeva's other wife, Rohini, and the eighth, Krishna, immediately after birth was secretly given to the shepherd Nanda and his wife Yasoda. Soon, Balarama goes to the Nanda family, and both brothers grow among shepherds and shepherds in the sunny forest of Vrndavana on the banks of the full-flowing Yamuna River.

Already in Krsna's youth, he performs unparalleled feats. He forces the king of serpents Kaliya, who poisons the waters of Yamuna, to leave the river; kills asura Dhanduk, persecuting and intimidating shepherds; piercing the evil bull demon Arisch in his own horn; during a thunderstorm shower given by God Indra, pulls out Mount Govardhana from the ground and for seven days holds it in the form of an umbrella over shepherds and herds of their cows.

The exploits of Krishna, and even more of his beauty, cheerful temperament, skill in dancing and playing the whirlwind attract the hearts of young shepherds to him, and in the forest of Vrndavana, their joyful exclamations are heard, when Krsna sets in with them various kinds of games and leads the roundabouts, their passionate confessions are heard when he betrays with them love and their sorrowful complaints when he leaves them.

Upon learning of Krishna's deeds and exploits, Kansa realizes that Devaki's son remains alive, and calls Krishna and Balarama on fist competitions in Mathura. Against his brothers, he opposes the mighty demon-asuras, but Krishna and Balarama easily overcome them, throwing them on the ground with crushing blows. When the annoyed Kansa orders to expel Krishna and all the shepherds from his kingdom, Krishna, like an angry lion, throws himself at Kansu, expels him to the arena and kills. For death, Kansa is trying to take revenge on his father Jarasandha. He collects countless troops that besiege Mathura, but soon he finds himself in the hands of a crushing army of poisons headed by Krishna.

Soon in Mathura, the message comes that the king Vidarbhi Bhishmak is going to marry his daughter Rukmini for the king to Shishu-palu. Meanwhile, Krishna and Rukmini have long been secretly loving each other, and Krishna's wedding day, appointed by Bhismaka, takes her to the bride in chariot. Shishapala, Jarasandha, brother Rukmini Rukman pursue Krishna in an attempt to return Rukmini, but Krsna and Balarama are fleeing them. The wedding of Krishna and Rukmini is celebrated in the newly erected Kṛṣṇa new capital of Yadavah - Dvaraka. From Rukmini Krishna has ten sons, and later sixteen thousand other wives give him many thousands of children: For many years, Krishna lives happily in Dvaraka and continues to exterminate the Asura demons, thus exercising his divine mission on earth. Among the demons he killed, Narak was the most powerful. statuary earrings from mother of gods Aditi and Nikumbh, who had a magical gift of reincarnation. Kṛṣṇa is ready to destroy also the thousand-strong king of asuras Banu, but he is patronized by the god Shiva, who comes to the aid of Bane and himself joins Krsna in a duel. Brahma's supreme god stopped the fight, he appears on the battlefield and reveals the great truth that Shiva and Krishna, the incarnation of Vishnu, are ultimately one-sided.