Feed by M.T. Anderson

Literature Lesson Plans - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Feed by M.T. Anderson

Grade Level: 9-12 (This lesson plan explores mature themes and complex ideas)

Subject: English Language Arts

Time Allotment: Three class periods (can be adjusted based on class discussion and activities)

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to analyze the social and technological world depicted in Feed.
  • Students will be able to identify and interpret the effects of constant information flow and technology dependence on characters' thoughts and behaviors.
  • Students will be able to discuss the themes of privacy, individuality, and the impact of technology on human connection.


  • Copies of excerpts from Feed (focusing on the introduction of the characters and the world with the Feeds)
  • Whiteboard or projector
  • Markers or pens
  • Chart paper or handout for brainstorming
  • Images or short clips depicting modern technology use (optional)

Lesson Procedure:

Day 1:

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Briefly introduce the concept of dystopian fiction and its characteristics.
  • Introduce Feed by M.T. Anderson and the year it is set in (consider mentioning it's a future society without revealing too much).

A World Wired In (20 minutes):

  • Distribute excerpts from the beginning of Feed, focusing on descriptions of the characters' lives and the constant information flow through their Feeds.
  • Have students read the excerpts silently.

Life in the Feed (20 minutes):

  • Facilitate a group discussion about the excerpts. Ask questions to guide students' analysis, such as:

✵ How does Anderson describe the characters' interactions with the Feeds?

✵ What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of constant information access as depicted in the novel?

✵ How does the constant stream of information affect the characters' ability to think critically and independently?

✵ (Optional Activity) If using visuals, discuss how these images or clips compare to technology use in students' own lives.

Day 2:

The Erosion of Privacy (20 minutes):

  • Introduce the theme of privacy.
  • How does the Feed technology blur the lines between public and private life in the novel?
  • What are the potential consequences of having all thoughts and experiences readily accessible to others?
  • Encourage students to consider the value of privacy in their own lives.

Losing the Real (20 minutes):

  • Shift the discussion to the theme of individuality.
  • How does the constant focus on external information and social media affect the characters' sense of self?
  • How does the Feed potentially hinder personal growth and authentic experiences?
  • Consider the importance of self-reflection and critical thinking in a world saturated with information.

Day 3:

Technology and Connection (20 minutes):

  • Explore the theme of human connection.
  • How does the technology in Feed impact the characters' ability to form genuine relationships?
  • Are there any examples of characters seeking true connection outside of the Feed?
  • Discuss the importance of face-to-face interaction and emotional connection in a healthy society.

The Human Cost (20 minutes):

  • Lead a final discussion about the broader themes of the novel.
  • What are the potential dangers of a society reliant on constant technology and information overload?
  • How does Feed serve as a cautionary tale about the impact of technology on humanity?

Creative Project (20 minutes):

  • Have students write a short journal entry from the perspective of a character in Feed, reflecting on their experiences with the Feed technology and its impact on their life. Alternatively, students can write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the existence of Feeds in our world.


  • Provide scaffolding for struggling readers by offering summaries of key passages or highlighting key vocabulary words.
  • Challenge advanced readers to research the ethical implications of social media and constant information access in our current society.

Extension Activities:

  • Students can create a visual representation of a character's Feed, depicting the types of information and advertisements they might encounter.
  • Have students compare and contrast Feed with another dystopian novel that explores the impact of technology on society.