Horoscopes for the Dead: Beyond the Horoscope: Embracing the Unpredictable and Finding Humor in the Enduring - Billy Collins

American literature essay. Literary analysis of works and characters - Sykalo Evgen 2023

Horoscopes for the Dead: Beyond the Horoscope: Embracing the Unpredictable and Finding Humor in the Enduring
Billy Collins

Billy Collins's "Horoscopes for the Dead" is more than just a spooky practical joke; it's a lighthearted contemplation of death, an imaginative dance with the unknown, and a clever reminder that life can still be funny and ludicrous in the face of death. Collins encourages us to consider death with interest and a healthy dose of humor rather than terror by using deft wordplay and unexpected metaphors.

Death as the Punchline: The idea of the poem itself is a lighthearted take on the custom of horoscopes. Rather than foretelling the future of the living, Collins looks to the dead, providing them with comfort and entertainment in their afterlife. This sudden change makes us face mortality head-on, but with a wry chuckle instead of fear, seeing the ridiculousness of a horoscope for someone who has already passed away.

Collins takes great pleasure in the uncertainty of the afterlife, viewing it as the ultimate playground. He talks about spirits "bowling with asteroids," "taking tango lessons from angels," as well as "learning the secrets of the universe from talking squirrels." These whimsical pictures defy convention and serve as a reminder that the afterlife is a playground for the imagination rather than a place where one must arrive. We are invited to let go of our fears about dying and instead consider the opportunities it may bring by this acceptance of the unknown.

Humor as the Shield Against Fear: In the poem, humor acts as a barrier against the fear of the unknown rather than just being a stylistic technique. Collins's sharp insights and sardonic humor make death appear less unsettling and more relatable. Joking about "eternal reruns of 'The Brady Bunch,'" he asks whether sunscreen is necessary for the deceased in hell. By taking a humorous perspective, we may acknowledge our mortality and face it with a detached mindset, avoiding hopelessness.

Enduring Human Foibles as the Unifying Thread: The poem is rooted in the familiar even in its exotic context. Collins gives persons in the afterlife human characteristics and vices. They argue, talk, and gripe exactly as they did in real life. Because of our common humanity, the living and the dead are brought closer together, serving as a constant reminder that despite death, our shared experiences and the human condition remain what unite us.

In conclusion, "Horoscopes for the Dead" proves that poetry has the ability to bring humor to the subject of death. Collins encourages us to laugh at our own fears, embrace the unknown, and take comfort in the enduring human spirit that endures beyond even the edge of death with his lighthearted language and unexpected images. The poem inspires awe in us by serving as a reminder that, despite the limitations of existence, our capacity for connection, comedy, and inquiry is as limitless as the universe.

Apart from the previously mentioned themes, you might also think about including the following in your essay:

Examine how Collins employs language and imagery to convey a lively and humorous vibe.
Talk about the characters' roles in the poem and how they add to the main idea.
Examine the poem's relationship to other funny works that address death and the afterlife.
Think about how your personal views on death and the afterlife connect to the poem's theme.