Euripides - Characteristics of a Literary Hero - Aristophanes

Essays on literary works - 2023

Euripides - Characteristics of a Literary Hero

EURIPID - the protagonist of Aristophanes' comedies "Acharnians" (425 BC), "Women at the Festival" (411) and "Frogs" (405); great ancient Greek playwright turned character. In The Aharnians, similar to his scattered heroes, he is depicted as a junk dealer, in which there is a hint of his shamelessly complaining, often dressed in rags heroes, eternal victims of all sorts of misfortunes. In "Women at the Festival" the role of E. is more significant. His misogyny, which has become a traditional comic motive, a mockery of the poet's marital misfortunes, is probably due to a burlesque exaggeration of some real fact of his life. The women who have gathered for their holiday discuss the insults that E. subjects them to in his plays. The latter begs the playwright Agathon to protect him. E. turns out to be the winner in the end, though resorting to measures unworthy of his genius. In a comedy splashing with humor, the author, supporting E.'s attacks on the opposite sex, parodies his pathetic style, rhetoric, appeals to the gods. In "The Frogs", written immediately after the death of E., his portrait is closer to the original. He confronts Aeschylus in a fierce literary competition taking place in the underworld, where both challenge the title of the greatest tragic poet. Aeschylus, still recognized as the best, is returned by the gods to earth. He transfers his throne to Sophocles, who did not participate in the competition. The author parodies the complexity of E.'s prologues, his iambs. Comedy is considered the first manifestation of literary criticism in Greece. invocation to the gods. In "The Frogs", written immediately after the death of E., his portrait is closer to the original. He confronts Aeschylus in a fierce literary competition taking place in the underworld, where both challenge the title of the greatest tragic poet. Aeschylus, still recognized as the best, is returned by the gods to earth. He transfers his throne to Sophocles, who did not participate in the competition. The author parodies the complexity of E.'s prologues, his iambs. Comedy is considered the first manifestation of literary criticism in Greece. invocation to the gods. In "The Frogs", written immediately after the death of E., his portrait is closer to the original. He confronts Aeschylus in a fierce literary competition taking place in the underworld, where both challenge the title of the greatest tragic poet. Aeschylus, still recognized as the best, is returned by the gods to earth. He transfers his throne to Sophocles, who did not participate in the competition. The author parodies the complexity of E.'s prologues, his iambs. Comedy is considered the first manifestation of literary criticism in Greece. He transfers his throne to Sophocles, who did not participate in the competition. The author parodies the complexity of E.'s prologues, his iambs. Comedy is considered the first manifestation of literary criticism in Greece. He transfers his throne to Sophocles, who did not participate in the competition. The author parodies the complexity of E.'s prologues, his iambs. Comedy is considered the first manifestation of literary criticism in Greece.