Cruelty and faith in good (based on H.K. Andersen's fairy tale “The Snow Queen”) - Andersen Hans Christian

Essays on literary works - 2023

Cruelty and faith in good (based on H.K. Andersen's fairy tale “The Snow Queen”)
Andersen Hans Christian

This magical tale begins with a story about an evil troll who, together with his henchmen, created a terrible mirror, which later destroyed more than one human life. And then the reader learns about the boy Kai and the girl Gerda, who, because of their poverty, had no place on earth to play, but their garden was a small box with roses on the roof. They play, make friends, talk to their grandmother and do not yet know about the terrible and unexpected adventures that will hinder or help Gerdy to find his named little brother: the visit of the Snow Queen, the visit of the merry prince and princess, the attack of daring robbers, the patronage of a loud and lonely little robber... .

This fairy tale is certainly fascinating and attracts with its characters. But it's likely that Kai isn't exactly a good person to begin with. That is why the shards of the mirror entered his eye and heart so easily. Of course, I especially like Gerda. This kind, intelligent and clever girl attracts attention with her behavior. When her friend was in trouble, she came to his aid. Only true friends do that. They do not abandon their comrades in bad times. Gerda's journey in search of Kai contained many interesting adventures. The girl behaved politely with the old sorceress, with the prince and princess, with the robbers, with the old Lapland woman and even with the family of crows. her benevolence, belief in victory over the Snow Queen helped her achieve her goal. Kai was saved.

Strangely enough, the Snow Queen, who freezes people's hearts and takes them to herself, may not be as cruel as it seems at first glance. Of course, she looks soulless and cold. But, who knows, maybe she is very lonely, that is why she is so desperate to kidnap people in order to talk to someone. After all, cruelty can turn out to be ordinary offended aloofness.