George Saunders - “Tenth of December” by George Saunders

A Comprehensive Analysis of Literary Protagonists - Sykalo Evgen 2023

George Saunders - “Tenth of December” by George Saunders

Illuminating the Character Complexity in George Saunders' "Tenth of December"

Celebrated for his singular blend of scathing humor and deep insight, George Saunders tells a gripping story in "Tenth of December." The diverse experiences, feelings, and complexity exhibited by the characters in this anthology of short stories reflect the complexity of the human condition. This study will examine the character dynamics of "Tenth of December," using a methodical approach to gain a thorough understanding of the roles, histories, motivations, conflicts, relationships, symbolism, character arcs, language use, and cultural and historical context of each character.

Is the character dynamic or static?

In Saunders' "Tenth of December," a combination of static and dynamic characters are introduced. Some people never change; they are constant in their ideas and actions, whereas others experience significant changes. For example, in the story "Victory Lap," Allison—who is first portrayed as an ordinary teenager—has a horrific occurrence that challenges her vision of the world and causes her to undergo a dynamic transition. The story gains complexity and unpredictability from this combination of static and dynamic individuals.

The Story's Role of the Character

The characters in "Tenth of December" have a variety of roles that add to the stories' main themes. While some play villainous roles or offer vital assistance to the main characters, others behave as protagonists, overcoming the obstacles that are put in their path. Deciphering these roles is crucial to understanding the intricacy of the story.

Background Information about the Character

Understanding the characters' histories is essential to understanding their motivations and actions. Consider the main character of "Escape from Spiderhead." Subtle clues and memories about his turbulent history illuminate the mental agony that motivates his behavior. Investigating the past is essential to revealing the character nuances in "Tenth of December."

Qualities of Personality

Saunders is a master at developing people with complex personalities. In "The Semplica-Girl Diaries," the protagonist struggles with social standards and demonstrates both empathy and moral turmoil. On the other hand, figures like the Eberly family from "Home" represent love and resiliency in the face of hardship. The author's astute grasp of human complexity is demonstrated by the contrast of positive and negative characteristics.

Incentives and Objectives

Every character in "Tenth of December" has distinct objectives and reasons for existing. These cover anything from the need for personal independence and happiness to survival instincts in the face of apocalyptic threats. Examining these motives gives the characters' actions more nuance and sheds light on how they make decisions.

Tension and Difficulties

Saunders's characters deal with a wide range of internal and external issues. These obstacles, which can include overcoming social expectations or moral conundrums, influence the protagonists' paths. In "Puppy," the protagonist Callie's internal conflict is evident as she struggles with her conscience, demonstrating the author's skill at developing complex characters who face moral dilemmas.


The story is further enhanced by the examination of the relationships between the individuals. Saunders deftly interweaves ties between characters, revealing the workings of friendly, hostile, and familial interactions. The tense relationship between brothers becomes a central theme in "Sticks," highlighting how interpersonal relationships affect character development.

Archetypes and Symbolism

Saunders uses symbolism to enhance the story, and his characters frequently take on archetypal roles. The characters in the story "Tenth of December," which bears the same name, must deal with frigid weather as a metaphor for the harsh truths of life. Understanding these symbols improves comprehension of the bigger thematic themes as well as the character journeys.

Arc of Character

Analyzing the character arcs reveals the metamorphoses that the characters experience during the narratives. Characters change, regress, or struggle with their situations from the opening scenario to the conclusion. In "The Falls," the main character has a moving metamorphosis as she learns to accept and cope with loss. Finding these arcs offers a comprehensive understanding of character development.

Speech and Conversation

The dialogue and unique speech patterns of the characters demonstrate Saunders' command of language. The dialogue is skillfully written by the author to reveal details about the characters' motivations, feelings, and personalities while simultaneously advancing the plot. Understanding the subtleties of language improves the reader's empathy with the characters.

Historical and Cultural Background

Analyzing characters' thoughts and behaviors is enhanced when cultural and historical context is taken into account. Saunders skillfully integrates modern socioeconomic themes into his narratives by exploring them frequently. In "The Semplica-Girl Diaries," for instance, socioeconomic differences are explored and used as a prism through which the protagonists view their surroundings.

Analytical Viewpoints

Examining opposing viewpoints of Saunders' characters enriches the analysis. Academics and literary critics can shed light on the author's intentions, the characters' cultural significance, and the subtleties of the theme. This more expansive viewpoint helps the reader better understand the complex layers found in "Tenth of December."

Arrange Your Examination

A logical structure for the study, maybe adhering to the procedures listed in order, guarantees a cogent examination of the characters in "Tenth of December." This method makes it easier to conduct a methodical analysis, which enables a thorough comprehension of the characters' subtleties.

Present Proof

The analysis is based on specific instances from the text. Claims on the characteristics, motives, and actions of the characters are supported by direct quotes, descriptions, and scenes. This method of gathering data guarantees that the analysis will always be based on the depth of the text.


To sum up, "Tenth of December" by George Saunders presents a diverse cast of characters whose depths reflect the depth of the human condition. This analysis has attempted to dissect the layers of characters, from their motivations and origins to their relationships and symbolic meaning, by using the methods that have been presented. Readers can appreciate Saunders' careful and nuanced character development by exploring the language, cultural background, and critical viewpoints. "Tenth of December" is a tribute to Saunders' skill as a storyteller, allowing readers to examine humanity's complexity via the eyes of likable and well-developed characters.