Inspector Fix: A Man of Duty and Hidden Depths - Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne

Main characters in-depth analysis - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Inspector Fix: A Man of Duty and Hidden Depths
Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne

  1. Character Introduction:
  • Name: Inspector Fix
  • Possible Symbolic Meaning: "Fix" suggests determination, resolve, and potentially inflexibility.
  • Physical Description: Described as stout, athletic, and energetic, reflecting his active pursuit of Fogg.
  • Occupation/Social Status: An inspector from Scotland Yard, representing law and order. His position grants him authority and resources, but also limits his actions by bureaucratic constraints.
  • Initial Introduction: Described as a "police-bulldog," highlighting his relentless pursuit and dogged determination.
  • First Actions: Approaches Passepartout, subtly gathering information and confirming his suspicions about Fogg. This reveals his cunning and resourcefulness.
  1. Character Development:
  • Motivations and Desires: Driven by a strong sense of duty and justice, Fix believes Fogg is guilty and wants to apprehend him. His desire for recognition may also play a role.
  • Internal Conflict: Struggles with doubt and self-questioning as Fogg repeatedly seems innocent. He wrestles between duty and empathy.
  • External Conflict: Constantly hindered by bureaucratic delays and Fogg's resourcefulness. He faces physical dangers and ethical dilemmas.
  • Driving Force: A complex mix of duty, ambition, and perhaps a desire to prove himself.
  • Significant Relationships: Develops an antagonistic relationship with Fogg, yet grudging respect emerges. His interactions with Passepartout oscillate between manipulation and reluctant camaraderie.
  • Impact on Others: Drives the plot forward by forcing Fogg to adapt and improvise. He indirectly becomes a reluctant protector of Fogg and Aouda.
  • Social Dynamics: Operates outside the social circles of Fogg and the upper class, representing the harsh realities of law enforcement.
  • Key Events: Witnessing Fogg's integrity during the rescue of Aouda, encountering the real thief, and ultimately realizing his mistake.
  • Choices and Consequences: Choosing to trust Passepartout has critical consequences, ultimately leading to Fogg's capture and eventual exoneration.
  • Final State: Though he achieves his initial goal, his respect for Fogg and guilt over his actions create a more nuanced ending.

III. Deeper Analysis:

  • Symbols: His bulldog image reinforces his relentless pursuit. Trains, representing the constraints of bureaucratic procedures, become recurring obstacles.
  • Foreshadowing: His initial suspicion and reliance on circumstantial evidence foreshadow his doubts and eventual mistake.
  • Irony: He becomes the protector of the man he seeks to arrest, creating a ironic twist on his initial mission.
  • Author's Background: Verne's fascination with travel and adventure might influence his portrayal of Fix as a determined traveler chasing justice across continents.
  • Genre Conventions: Fits the archetype of the dogged detective in adventure stories, adding tension and conflict.
  • Overall Message: Highlights the complexities of judging character on appearances and the importance of individual integrity.
  1. Youth-Oriented Engagement:
  • Relatable Situations: Young readers might relate to Fix's struggle between following orders and questioning authority.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Fix's choices to manipulate Passepartout and trust him later offer opportunities to discuss honesty and loyalty.
  • Engaging Language: Describe Fix's adventures vividly, highlighting his cunning maneuvers and the thrilling chase across continents.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Ask: Was Fix justified in his suspicions? Should he have trusted Fogg sooner? What would you have done in his shoes?