Phileas Fogg: A Man Wrapped in Precision and Unraveling Secrets - Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne

Main characters in-depth analysis - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Phileas Fogg: A Man Wrapped in Precision and Unraveling Secrets
Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne

  1. Character Introduction:

Name: Phileas Fogg. The first name suggests intellectualism, while the second signifies a nebulous past.

Physical Description: Tall, well-dressed, and reserved, his appearance reflects his rigid control and adherence to order.

Occupation/Social Status: Gentleman of leisure, member of the Reform Club. His wealth allows him the freedom to embark on the journey.

Initial Impressions: Cold, calculating, and seemingly emotionless. He's presented as an enigma, intriguing yet distant.

First Actions: Makes the seemingly absurd bet, revealing his competitive spirit and desire for intellectual challenge.

  1. Character Development:

Motivations and Desires: Initially driven by the intellectual challenge and the bet, seeking self-validation and proof of his capabilities. Later, compassion and responsibility motivate him to protect Aouda.

Internal Conflict: Struggles with his rigid nature and growing emotional attachment to Aouda and Passepartout, challenging his established order.

External Conflict: Faces numerous logistical and cultural obstacles during his journey, testing his resourcefulness and adaptability.

Driving Force: Initially, a desire to prove himself and win the bet. Later, the journey forces him to confront his emotions and responsibilities.

Relationships and Interactions:

  • Passepartout: Their initial clash highlights Fogg's rigidity but evolves into mutual respect and trust, revealing Fogg's hidden humor and warmth.
  • Aouda: Initially seen as an obligation, he develops genuine care and protection for her, showing his capacity for emotional growth.
  • Other characters: His interactions showcase his resourcefulness, adaptability, and growing compassion.

Impact on Others: Inspires Passepartout's loyalty and Aouda's gratitude. His actions inadvertently influence others, showing the ripple effects of his journey.

Social Dynamics: Exists at the fringes of Victorian society, challenging its norms with his eccentric journey and disregard for social customs.

Growth and Transformation:

  • Experiences moments of emotional vulnerability and compassion, challenging his initial coldness.
  • Learns to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and appreciate the diverse cultures he encounters.
  • Remains largely controlled but shows a newfound openness to emotional connections.

Final State: Wins the bet but returns a changed man, valuing human connection alongside his love of order.

III. Deeper Analysis:


  • His watch: Represents his strict adherence to order and control.
  • The journey itself: Symbolizes both his physical travel and his emotional and personal growth.

Foreshadowing: His initial bet hints at his competitive spirit and potential for change.

Irony: A man obsessed with order finds himself in unpredictable situations, forcing him to adapt and grow.

Authorial Intent: Verne likely uses Fogg to explore themes of cultural understanding, personal growth beyond societal expectations, and the unexpected ways life challenges our rigid self-perceptions.

Genre Conventions: Fits the adventure genre by presenting exciting challenges and exotic locations. His transformation adds a layer of personal growth typical in Bildungsroman novels.

Overall Message: Encourages appreciating cultural diversity, adapting to unforeseen circumstances, and recognizing the transformative power of unexpected journeys, both physical and emotional.

  1. Youth-Oriented Engagement:
  • Relatable Situations: Facing unexpected challenges, confronting personal limitations, and learning to adapt and grow.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Balancing personal goals with responsibility for others, questioning societal norms, and valuing cultural differences.
  • Engaging Language: Focus on the exciting adventures, Fogg's gradual personal growth, and the humorous interactions with Passepartout.
  • Open-Ended Questions: How does Fogg's journey challenge his initial character traits? What does his transformation tell us about personal growth? How does the story encourage cultural understanding and appreciation?