Matthew Cuthbert: A Gentle Soul Who Finds Joy in Unexpected Places - Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery

Main characters in-depth analysis - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Matthew Cuthbert: A Gentle Soul Who Finds Joy in Unexpected Places
Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery

  1. Character Introduction:

Name: Matthew Cuthbert. "Matthew" evokes kindness and stability, reflecting his gentle nature.

Physical Description: A tall, lanky man with kind eyes and a shy demeanor. His appearance suggests his reserved nature and connection to the land.

Occupation/Social Status: Farmer, considered an eccentric by the townsfolk due to his introspective nature. His position emphasizes simplicity and connection to nature.

Initial Impressions: Shy, quiet, and easily flustered by social interactions. Initially portrayed as lacking confidence and assertive voice.

First Actions: Argues for keeping Anne despite the mistake, highlighting his compassion and open-mindedness.

  1. Character Development:

Motivations and Desires: Deeply desires companionship and love, yearning for a family beyond his quiet existence.

Internal Conflict: Struggles with expressing his emotions openly due to shyness and social awkwardness, leading to internal frustrations.

External Conflict: Faces societal judgement for embracing nonconformity and defying expectations.

Driving Force: A deep-seated kindness and love for those in need, coupled with a hidden romantic spirit.

Relationships and Interactions:

  • Marilla Cuthbert: Their shared sense of loneliness fosters a close bond, allowing him to express his affection more openly.
  • Anne Shirley: He becomes her confidante and champion, cherishing her individuality and imagination.
  • Other characters: Represents kindness and acceptance amidst a community bound by traditional expectations.

Impact on Others: Inspires kindness, acceptance, and appreciation of individuality through his gentle actions and quiet love.

Social Dynamics: Initially considered an outsider, becomes an embodiment of compassion and understanding, defying social norms.

Growth and Transformation:

  • Gains confidence in expressing his emotions, especially toward Anne, showcasing personal growth.
  • Embraces unexpected change and experiences joy through Anne's presence, defying his reserved nature.
  • Opens up to the possibility of love and companionship, finding fulfillment beyond societal expectations.

Final State: Remains kind and introspective, but demonstrates increased confidence and emotional openness, showcasing self-discovery and personal growth.

III. Deeper Analysis:


  • Green Gables: Initially represents his quiet life, later symbolizes unexpected love and acceptance.
  • Nature: Reflects his introspective nature and connection to the world beyond social norms.

Foreshadowing: His initial kindness towards Anne hints at his hidden capacity for love and potential for change.

Irony: The shy man considered an outsider becomes a beacon of acceptance and understanding.

Authorial Intent: Montgomery likely uses Matthew to explore themes of hidden kindness, defying social expectations, and finding joy in unexpected connections.

Genre Conventions: Fits the coming-of-age genre by showcasing personal growth, embracing individuality, and finding unexpected connections.

Overall Message: Encourages kindness, open-mindedness, and appreciating the extraordinary found in ordinary people.

  1. Youth-Oriented Engagement:
  • Relatable Situations: Facing shyness, navigating social anxieties, valuing different perspectives.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Choosing kindness over social norms, standing up for what's right even when unpopular.
  • Engaging Language: Focus on the contrast between Matthew's initial shyness and his growing confidence and affection towards Anne.
  • Open-Ended Questions: How does Matthew change throughout the story? What qualities make him a good friend? How can we overcome shyness and build meaningful connections?