Squealer: The Spin Doctor of Animal Farm - Animal Farm by Orwell

Main characters in-depth analysis - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Squealer: The Spin Doctor of Animal Farm
Animal Farm by Orwell

  1. Character Introduction:

Name: Squealer. His name directly evokes his role as Napoleon's mouthpiece, twisting information and manipulating opinion.

Physical Description: Described as a fat pig with "round cheeks, twinkling eyes, and nimble movements," suggesting deceitfulness and agility in spreading propaganda.

Occupation/Social Status: Napoleon's Minister of Propaganda, responsible for interpreting and justifying the pigs' actions to the animals.

Initial Impressions: Appears friendly and persuasive, easily swaying the animals with his rhetoric.

First Actions: Smoothly explains why the pigs receive extra milk and apples, revealing his ability to twist facts and appease concerns.

  1. Character Development:

Motivations and Desires: To maintain his comfortable life under Napoleon's regime and ensure his own safety.

Internal Conflict: None explicitly mentioned, but he might grapple with the guilt of manipulating others.

External Conflict: Faces occasional doubts from Boxer and other animals, requiring constant justifications and manipulations.

Driving Force: Self-preservation and the enjoyment of his privileged position.

Relationships and Interactions:

  • Napoleon: Loyal and subservient, carrying out his orders without question.
  • Other animals: Uses charm and persuasive language to manipulate them, ultimately eroding their trust and critical thinking.

Impact on Others: Creates an atmosphere of fear and confusion, preventing rebellion and solidifying Napoleon's power.

Social Dynamics: Represents the power of propaganda and control of information, highlighting the dangers of blind acceptance.

Growth and Transformation: Learns to walk on two legs and adopts human mannerisms, signifying his complete integration into the pigs' lifestyle and disregard for animal equality.

III. Deeper Analysis:


  • Speech: Represents the manipulation of language and the dangers of unchecked rhetoric.
  • Extra milk and apples: Symbolize the unfair privileges enjoyed by the ruling class.

Foreshadowing: Squealer's early justifications foreshadow the complete distortion of the Seven Commandments and the animals' loss of control.

Irony: Despite his persuasive words, Squealer ultimately undermines the animals' initial hopes and ideals.

Authorial Intent: Orwell likely uses Squealer to criticize totalitarian regimes that use propaganda and misinformation to control their populations.

Genre Conventions: Fits the allegorical, political satire genre by exposing the manipulative tactics of leaders through animal characters.

Overall Message: Warns against the dangers of accepting information unquestioningly and highlights the importance of critical thinking and independent judgment.

  1. Youth-Oriented Engagement:
  • Relatable Situations: Encountering persuasive advertising, facing peer pressure, questioning authority figures.
  • Moral Dilemmas: Is it ever okay to lie or mislead others? How can we distinguish truth from propaganda?
  • Engaging Language: Focus on Squealer's persuasive speeches and how he uses language to manipulate the animals.
  • Open-Ended Questions: What might have happened if Squealer hadn't been able to convince the animals? How can we avoid being fooled by manipulative language?